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A pause in practice

RA Angotti, Chief Instructor

North Dakota and Cass County are seeing the highest number of cases since the start of the pandemic. Unfortunately this coincides directly with onset of colder temperatures. Any measures we take now to slow the spread will take 6 weeks to assess. At this time I would like to stop training in order to do our part to protect the safety of others. I will evaluate this decision week to week. However, for the time being, the dojo will be closed to regular classes until the end of October.

Other options

Despite the suspension of regular classes, I do think we have a few training options worth considering in the meantime.

  1. Youtube video study– I have a made a series of videos on youtube for bokken basics. Students are encouraged to practice those videos as if in a class. I can also make more videos for the library during this time.
  2. Zoom classes– I am not sure the dojo has the bandwidth to this however I am willing to pursue teaching classes live online for you to participate in.
  3. Private paired practice– We can return to private partner training as we did in the spring as a method of continued training with less cross contamination.

All members are encouraged to email the dojo with questions and/or responses to these options. I will evaluate them as I monitor the spread in our area.

Thank you for your patience and co-operation. I understand that we are all dealing with some degree of pandemic exhaustion. Unfortunately a return to some normalcy will require assuring that we have quelled the fires of the pandemic as it spreads through our community over the next few months. Your continued support means a great deal to me personally.

Robert Angotti