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Why I do Aikido- Myra Wiosna

By myra wiosna (lowercase added by Myra, 11 year student of 4 years)

I do Aikido for myself and by my choice but it wasn’t always this way. I started Aikido because somebody else thought it would be good for me to try, to get out my “wiggles”. When I did Aikido before covid I felt reluctant to go because it required me to leave whatever I was doing at my after-school program for another day. When Covid started, Aikido stopped so when I was given the choice of whether I wanted to go back to doing Aikido after Covid precautions were lifted I said “Yes!” because after almost a year inside I wanted a routine to look forward to again.

After finally having Aikido become something I decided to do it became something that only benefited me, myself, and I. Aikido helps keep me going, it gives me something to look forward to and a community that cares about me. If I was to stop doing Aikido it would directly affect me, a piece would be missing from the puzzle that is my life. If my personal life is going terribly (maybe I’m getting bad grades at school), Aikido isn’t going to be affected by that, it will remain exactly how it always has been. Aikido gives me a sense of stability, That is why I do Aikido.