- Please sign up prior to coming to practice. Email the dojo to sign up. Email before noon the Wednesday of each of practice.
- Please use a weapons bag when transporting weapons in public.
- Bring both jo and bokken to each practice.
- Please be on time. Class will start promptly at 5:30. We will line up at that time. We will practice on the northernmost lawn of Island park, adjacent to the pool unless occupied.
- Class will be cancelled in the event of rain.
- Maintain 6ft of distance before, during and after practice. Masks are not required but you can wear one if you like.
- Confirm that your partner (if you are doing partner training) will be present at each practice, If not report that when signing up. Partner practice should be conducted with your standard partner if available. Other partners will be arranged as needed.
I look forward to seeing you all.
RA Angotti